📰 Nuke Evolution Xtreme 2.0.10 Update
Date: Sun Apr 14, 2024 7:16 pm Topic: Nuke-Evolution
The highly anticipated release of Nuke Evolution Xtreme 2.0.10 is here.
The CMS is now fully compatible with PHP 8.3. There have been a butt load of fixes, new additions and removal of code, Most of which was has been deprecated for the last couple of years.
The installer has had a facelift, made the text more readable and split the "IP to Country" database insertion SQL into multiple file, for easy execution.
The only area I can still say is giving out a few errors, is the account module, but this only happens under certain circumstances, But fear not, I am going to be releasing a new account module in the coming week to replace the old module.
This new "Account" module will have many new features and also some other module integrated into it, such as the following.
"Buddy System", "Private Message Threads" & "Groups".
This will eliminate the old version of these modules, and make it easier to push updates to just one plugin/module, rather than multiple.
I will be making a more detailed post in the coming days with the thought I have for the next update as well, So I will need your opinion on these, and anything you peeps want added, We can look into.
Thank You all for been so patient with me, and also for the help some of you gave to get this released bug free.